If life is a dream, then please, my darling, don't wake me up.
I wanna live, I wanna paint, I wanna feel everything.
The world is a dark place and sometimes I am lost.
Lost in my head, lost in bad emotions, lost in a world that I want to escape from.
Get lost in Wonderland.
In a place filled with colors.
In a place where everything is possible. In a place where you can do everything. All by yourself.
People don't matter. Problems have solutions. And you are beautiful. Just enjoy the fresh air.
I didn't want to feel like myself.
So I decided to wear the only dress that isn't me.
It's colorful. It has flowers on it. It screams PASTELS!
Yet it's beautiful like my dreams. Filled with colors and imagination.
Did it work?
Yes. I actually did feel like I'm trapped in one of my dreams.
The only difference was that this time the air felt real and I felt more powerful than ever.
I was screaming to the world " LOOK at me. I'm such a creative girl. I live my life fearless."
I suppose we are all lost sometimes.
That's why the story of Alice trapped in Wonderland appeals to us so much.
We want to feel like there is still beauty in the world.
Just here's the catch. Beauty is everywhere. We simply must open our eyes and LOOK.
HINT: There's a small natural rose in that small necklace that I'm wearing in my pictures.
It's the most beautiful thing ever. :D
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